

Sunday, 8 March 2015

converting to Skype

so, I remember trying to use Skype some years ago with a professional group - I found the sound poor, and we kept on dropping out - not a pleasant experience, which put me off for quite a few years.

Subsequent to this, I discovered Apple's Facetime, which I really liked - discovering I could chat for literally hours with a friend in Canada for no extra fee.  Brilliant.

And recently, I re-visited Skype for a supervision session with someone in North America - me based in the UK.  And, actually, now, for whatever reason, I found it amazing.  We used webcams, which worked well.  It was a bit disconcerting setting up, and I found myself noticing my falling cheeks - but/ and I remember that video is apparently very ageing. 

I wasn't crazy about looking at myself talking the whole time, but mainly I saw my companion.  And, of course, talking from home, I became a bit aware of what I was wearing, and how tidy my sitting room was. 

And, really, I had a useful session; my companion even met my cat.  And it would be virtually impossible to have the same sort of activity - an international meeting, where I paid for my colleague's time, but with no need to pay for travel or communication costs (bar of course all my Apple kit, and Broadband costs...).

so, I am somewhat of a convert - probably behind quite a few people - perhaps those with children there to train them up, or to inspire them to meet up via Skype to see where they are and what they're up to.

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