

Thursday, 29 August 2013

in search of a bone-setter

Immediately following the break of my clavicle, I had a sense that a Chinese bone-setter type person would be useful to get the bones in place.  (I spent early years in south-east Asia, and my parents have stories of such).  However, I thought perhaps the orthopaedic people were the orthodox version of this, and so it was in the best place possible.  I googled a bit and found articles where traditional bone-setters had made things worse, so didn’t follow this up.

By happy chance, I reconnected with pain/injury consultant, John Perrott, last week, and he wondered if he could help.  I had my second treatment yesterday, and he managed to get my clavicle back into place – perhaps in the shoulder joint – I can’t quite visualise it – no doubt he’d express it officially – but he worked, it clicked oddly, I felt strange, and wondered if this was a good thing or not, but he seemed very pleased with the result. 

I can now feel my clavicle doesn’t seem to be trying to escape from the top of my shoulder – I hope it stays in place – I’m not quite sure if this is likely.  Buuut, it is such a relief to feel my shoulder back in the apparently correct, or at least better, place.

My general point and concern here is that there seems no general knowledge of this kind of event.  I’m not quite sure if John is just an unbelievably talented bone-setter bringing together various trainings and intuition, or whether this is generalisable to particular profession eg osteopathic training.

No-one gave me to believe that my situation was anything other than good in my recovery.  So, it was a shock to discover it was not good after all, and the long-term implications of further surgery sound serious to me – eg numbness beneath the shoulder, and possibly into thumb and first finger – particularly? serious for a shiatsu practitioner – but presumably everyone is keen on having sensitive fingers!

So, do post any thoughts or comments here, and any ideas on how this kind of positive outcome can be spread so others may receive better support when injured like this.

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